Which one is right for you?


Dogs can make us feel less alone and they are good for your heart. They also help you stop stressing out,help us cope with crisis,and they encourage you to move around. Dogs make us more social and are so adorable they make us love them. Lastly, they help with depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health.

Dog Slideshow 50 minutes


Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support, improve moods, and contribute to the overall morale of their owners. Cats are also credited with promoting socialization among older individuals and physically or mentally disabled people. Nearly 40 million households in the United States have pet cats. Maybe a cat could be perfect for you as well.

Cat Slideshow 10 minutes


Hedgehogs are not known to bite humans. They very social, particularly if they're handled regularly and from a young age. They are easily frightened and will roll up into a prickly ball when startled.The intelligence of a hedgehog is to that of a hamster, they may learn certain behaviors through positive reinforcement or conditioning but only at a very basic level. Hedgehogs are known to be very communicative when it comes to their needs, and often make a low purring sound when they are happy or content.

Hedgehog Slideshow 6 minutes


Hamsters, for many people, make excellent pets. They don't require a lot of attention, get enough exercise running on their wheel, and are cute, cuddly, and pleasant to hold. They can make an excellent starter pet for some children.A hamster's round furry cuteness and low-key demeanor can help to quell feelings of anxiety and provide comfort to someone struggling with an emotional or mental disability.

Hamsters Slideshow 3 minutes


Many will sing to you, sometimes talk to you, and play with you, especially if you spend time together with a bird out of its cage. Compared to the four-legged pets that typically roam free and unattended within their owners' homes, birds are relatively easy to care for.Birds make great first pets because they can be easily integrated into households with children and will teach children the responsibility of owning an animal. Birds also live longer than many other pets when cared for and fed properly. While it depends on their species, some birds can live upwards of 50 years!

Bird Slideshow 5 minutes