All About Hedgehogs!

Hedgehogs are fantastic pets. They are low matinence and can be very playful and sweet.

Hedgehogs are docile and won't often bite humans. They are friendly if they are socialized regularly.

The pros of Owning a Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehogs can live peacefully with other pets like cats and dogs.
  2. Maintaining a hedgehogs hygiene is very simple.
  3. They are very quiet animals.
  4. Hedgehogs only require about an hour of interaction each day, as opposed to more high mateninence animals like dogs.
  5. Hedgehogs don't have a strong odor like many other pet rodents do.
  6. They are hypoallergenic.

The Cons of Owning a Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehogs' quills can be harmful
  2. Hedgehogs can carry diseases like salmonella.(Which is why it's important to wash/sanitize hands before and after handling hedgehogs.)
  3. Hedgehogs are prone to obesity and weight related health issues.
  4. Hedgehogs are very sensitive to cold weather.

A hedgehog’s environment is crucial to the well being of the hedgehog. The hedgehog’s enclosure should be kept in a quiet, tranquil place away from TV’s, vacuums, small children, and other loud noises that would hurt their sensitive ears. Loud noises will spook them, and make distressed and irritated as well as stops them from coming out of their sleeping huts to eat or exercize, proving to be a very large problem. This is all essential to make the hedgehog feel safe in its new home

A wheel is the best way to ensure that your hedgehog is exercising without constantly worrying about them getting lost or running away. Nevertheless, allowing your hedgehog to run around in the outdoors is a fine way to exercise hedgehogs, as long as they are being carefully monitored. Hedgehogs normally eat commercial food, or dry cat food. When finding a healthy cat food for your hedgehog, it’s important for it to have low sugar and fat content to prevent future weight and health issues such as obesity and Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. As an occasional treat, hedgehogs eat non-starchy fruits or vegetables. Hedgehogs must always have a full water bowl at ALL times.

More Information About Hedgehogs