(align:"<==")+(box:"=XXXX")[(align:"<==")+(box:"===XXXXX==")[(text-colour:black)[You are a chicken at Old MacDonald's farm.
Your days are pretty simple.
Everyday you wake up, eat some chicken feed, lay a few eggs, then hang out with your best friends- Peppa the pig and MoMo the cow.
It's a peaceful life.]]]
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/Music/bensound-countryboy.mp3" autoplay>
"Baka! Baka!" Peppa calls as she stumbles over to you in a hurry.
(text-colour:yellow)[(Oh yea, I forgot to mention your name is Baka. Get it? Cuz chickens go bokbok? No? Ok.)]
"What's wrong?" you exclaim.
"You won't belive what what I heard Old MacDonald say!"
Your heart sinks. //Oh no! What if MoMo fell off a cliff?! What if one of my eggs exploded?!//
(text-colour:yellow)[(You worry a lot. Get used to it. You're a chicken.)]
"Here, follow me. I'll lead you to him. Maybe he has more to say..." Peppa says as she trots toward the barn.
(text-colour:red)[[[Do you follow her? Maybe it's something good!->P4]]]
(text-colour:red)[[[Or would you rather stay back? It's probably nothing too serious.->P3]]]
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/SFX/Footsteps_on_Cement-Tim_Fryer-870410055.mp3" autoplay>Turns out, MoMo //did// fall off a cliff.
And to make it worse, an axe murderer who escaped jail entered your farm grounds the next night. He set off a bomb, so not only did your eggs explode, you and everyone and everything else exploded!
(text-colour:red)[[[Click here to go back to the beginning.->P1]]]
<img src="https://www.apa.org/images/sad-title-image_tcm7-179953.jpg">
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/SFX/Bomb-SoundBible.com-891110113.mp3" autoplay>
Soon enough, Peppa gets send off to the slaughterer.
And a few months later, you do too. As you sit, covered in sauce, with grill marks on your back in a Chick-fil-A sandwich, you wonder where Peppa is. Maybe she got packaged and sent to a grocery store as bacon. Or maybe she's in a BLT right now, bites being take out of her every second.
You get served to a 3-year-old with slobbery drool running down his chin. You sigh as you get ready to die.
(text-colour:red)[[[Click here to go back to the beginning.->P1]]]
<img src="https://www.seriouseats.com/thmb/WuQHPeJsuv4oA0nZJCggPzfLeAk=/735x0/__opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__2012__07__20120730-chick-fil-a-food-lab-primary-5765bd14d6d64815ba12a7bd7f2f4e02.jpg">Peppa leads you to the barn. Old MacDonald is shoveling the cow manure.
//Oh, thank God!// you think as you spot MoMo. //She didn't fall off a cliff!//
"Listen!" Peppa whisperes to you.
With all the sounds of farm animals around you, you can hear Old MacDonald's faint mumbling.
"It looks like Peppa is chubbing up... We better get her to the slaughterer soon... She'd make some nice bacon..."
"Ya hear that?!" Peppa exclaims.
"Yeah, I do," you say, worried, "We need to stop this from happening!"
"What are you talking about?!" Peppa exclaims, "I don't know what it means, but I get to be bacon!"
You stare at her with a blank face as she frollicks around.
(text-colour:yellow)[What do you do?]
(text-colour:red)[[[Play like it's all OK. She's happy for now, and she can end her life happy.->P5]]]
(text-colour:red)[[[Or tell her what will happen. Try and save your best friend's life!->P6]]]"Peppa," you say, "I hate to break it to you, but the slaughterer isn't a good thing. I've seen animals go in there and //never// come out!"
"Well what is that supposed to mean?" Peppa protests, "Maybe it's so much fun that they never want to come out!"
"Peppa-" you explain, "it's not like that. You know that pork in your slop the other day that you really enjoyed?"
"And remember Juicy? Your older brother?"
"Oh yea, he went to the slaughterer too," Peppa exclaims, "I guess I'll meet him there!"
"Well, Peppa. I don't think you'll meet him there."
"What?! What are you talking about?!"
"I'm talking about you consuming your brother."
Peppa stares at you blankly. Her face seems even more pink than it usually is.
"Humans eat all types of animals," you say, "Cows are beef, they eat chicken breasts, and guess where pork, bacon, and ham come from? Pigs."
"What?! Your're telling me bacon is food?"
"And you're telling me I ate my brother?!" Peppa interrupts.
"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!"
(text-colour:red)[[["Calm down Peppa! We'll find a way to save you. I know we will."->P8]]](text-colour:black)[You, MoMo, and Peppa arrange a meeting for the next day.
When the time comes, you sneak out of your coop and meet your friends in the barn. Peppa and MoMo are sitting around a block of hay.
"Finally! What took you so long, Baka?!" MoMo exclaims.
"What d'you mean?" you studder.
"This meeting was supposed to start at 4:20," Peppa says, "It's 4:21 now."
You roll your eyes.]
(text-colour:white)["So," you say, ignoring their remark, "anyone got ideas to spare our lives? Every one of us will be sent to the slaughterer some time."
"Maybe we should escape!" MoMo suggests.]
(text-colour:black)["Good idea, but I think we should wait and all sneak into the slaughterer together," Peppa says, "We don't know what's in store for us there. Maybe we can think of a plan at the slaughterer."]
(text-colour:white)[These are both great ideas. Which one should you go with? Be careful with this decision. It's the difference between life and death...]
(text-colour:red)[[[MoMo's idea sounds best. If you escape, you won't have to deal with the slaughterer at all->P9]]]
(text-colour:red)[[[Let's go with Peppa's suggestion. It's best to say with your eggs as long as possible.->P10]]]That night, you and your friends escape. You go out the secret hole in your coop, through the trees, and squeeze through the gate. In a few minutes, MoMo and Peppa arrive.
You and your friends live the rest of your life barging into local McDonald restaurants through the drive thorugh windows. You chow down on the Chicken McNuggets, MoMo on the BigMacs, and Peppa on the spare bacon. You live happily ever after.
(text-colour:red)[[[Want to restart? Click here to go back to the beggining!->P1]]]
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/Music/bensound-extremeaction.mp3" autoplay>You go back to your coop and sit on your eggs. Two days later, the time comes. You and MoMo follow through with the plan. Just as OldMacDonald turns around back into the barn, you--with MoMo along side--jump into the truck Peppa is being shipped in. And a few minutes later, the slaughterer is in sight. When you are a few feet away from the destination, you and MoMo work together to push Peppa in her shipping crate off the truck. Once she falls off, you and MoMo jump off, landing in style. (on your faces)
You and your friends peer into the slautering room. You see animal after animal going in. You didn't see any come out on one piece. Workers were carrying container after container into another shipping truck. Inside of the containers was red and pink sloppy stuff.
"What should we do?!" Peppa whisperers.
"Let's get out of here!" MoMo exclaims.
"Or maybe," you say as a light bulb turns on in your head, "we can find a way to get the humans back..."
(text-colour:red)[Would you rather [[escape->P11]] or [[end this slaughtering once and for all->P12]]?]You and MoMo sprint as fast as you can (not very fast) away from the slaughterer.
"Wait-" MoMo says as she haults to a stop. "What about Peppa?!"
"Oh shoot."
You and MoMo race back to Peppa's shipping crate. You try to drag her along, but this slows you down big-time.
"AY GET BACK HERE!" the driver of the truck shouts. He runs over and scoops up you and Peppa. He drags MoMo by the tail and brings you all inside the slaughterer. You sit together, tied to a conveyor belt. Inch by inch, you move closer to a sharp and thin blade. The blade falls every three seconds. It chops animal after animal, and you and your friends are next...
(text-colour:red)[[[Click here to go back to the beginning.->P1]]]
<img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/vector-cartoon-illustration-of-angry-butcher-or-slaughterer-with-or-vector-id1181061806" height="300" width="600">
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/Music/bensound-epic.mp3" autoplay>
"Stay here." you say to your friends. You trot off as fast as you can toward the slaughterer. Once in the room, you spot a dagger on a cheap plastic table. You hop up and grab the dagger in your mouth. Then, you tiptoe out the door and sneak up on the truck driver.
And... BAM!
You thorw the dagger right into the man's abdomin. (his butt)
"AHHHh" he cries.
Peppa and MoMo get an evil look in their eyes. It seems they have caught on to your plan. Peppa barges out of her crate and races to the staughterer. She comes back out with another knife and starts chucking it at humans. MoMo frees all the innocent animals with her gnarly teeth. Once they escape from their crates, they go to work.
Soon enough, all of the humans lie in a pool of their own blood on the floor. The animals have justice!
Now, MoMo is driving a truck full of other animals to a new slaughtering station. Onto your next human victoms...
(text-colour:red)[[[Click here to go back to the beginning.->P1]]]
<img src="https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/036abd30-8f0b-4373-a029-fef220e0d1d5/d5rd8qg-8197faee-b9ac-46c9-a4f7-ba400070f5d5.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_954,q_75,strp/13_1_13_2___evil_chicken__by_scheherazadenerai_d5rd8qg-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTU0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDM2YWJkMzAtOGYwYi00MzczLWEwMjktZmVmMjIwZTBkMWQ1XC9kNXJkOHFnLTgxOTdmYWVlLWI5YWMtNDZjOS1hNGY3LWJhNDAwMDcwZjVkNS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.WgmWT0htmxZCu968mvH-c997tK4lh-oasCu-85OaR9U">
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/Music/mixkit-walking-dead-893.mp3" autoplay>Double-click this passage to edit it.