(text-style:"italic","double-underline","smear","expand","sway")[Survival of monday]
(text-colour:navy)+(bg:white)[Will you make it?]
<img src="https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/poses-expressions-funny-boy_29937-6354.jpg" height=400 width=400>
(bg:navy)[its a new week to succeed. Will you make it through monday?Click below to start you monday adverture to see what happens next]
[[click to continue->intro]]
<audio controls>
<source src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/Music/bensound-beyondtheline.mp3">For the last 4 months your behavior on monday has been awful! All your teachers are now saying if you mess up one more time they are suspending you, ans now your parents are giving you one more chance or you're being sent to your grandparents! Try to keep up a good attitude or that's it for you.
[[click to continue->1-choice]](text-style:"bold","underline","expand","buoy")[7:00am monday morning]
(text-colour:cyan)[Task-have break fast]
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8c/5c/5b/8c5c5b92410316ad02c6e5e978ceee9a.jpg" height=400 width=500>
Your family is at the table talking about your grades, you head to the fridge as you ignore the as you go to get your favorite snack for breakfast, but you see it's missing
(bg:navy)[What do you do?]
[[Get mad at the person who took your snack->2]]
[[Leave it be and have whats at the table for breakfast->3]](text-style:"bold","rumble")[WHO TAKING MY FOOD!" you snap at your family]
["just a snack morgen do get mad" says your sister]
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/emojiimage/emojiimage1805/emojiimage180500009/100479388-two-little-kids-boy-and-girl-with-crossed-arms-and-angry-facial-expressions-brother-and-sister-in-qu.jpg" height=400 width=400>
[[click to continue->2-1]]You and your family are getting along!
now its time to get going somewhere
<img src="https://www.pngkit.com/png/detail/0-1334_happy-family-family-cartoon-transparent.png">
[[contuinue->3-1]]you made it to school!
(text-colour:cyan)[Task-make it to your first class]
<img src="https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/3-32150_school-cartoon-building-school-cartoon-transparent-background-hd.png" height=500 width=400>
[[continue->3-4]]You finish breakfast and are now ready to head to school
<img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/thinking-man-vector-id920217120?s=612x612" height=400 width=300>
[[head to school->3-2]]
[[stay home->3-3]]You and your sister go back a forth about the problem
she stops and says "Sorry I took your snack ill get you a new one"
(bg:blue)[what do you do?]
[[Continue the fight and don't accept her apology->bad ending]]
[[forgive her apology and move on->3]]Theres only 5 mins till class!
And oh no! Mrs.Smith is in the main halls find a way to get past her!
<img src="https://cdn.friendlystock.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2-scared-little-boy-behind-door-cartoon-clipart.jpg"hieght=450 width=400>
[[hallway with your friends-4 minutes->3-5]]
[[Back hallway around the stairs-4 mins nad 30 seconds->3-5]](text-style:"bold","shudder")[You lost!! :(]
<img src="https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/13/06/32/240_F_213063219_YrUD6MONqKicsNZIMgkJkVC0B6aJtW4I.jpg">
[[play again->Front page]]"IM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL! I WANT TO STAY HOME!"
You demande
<img src="https://cdn1.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/21/45/little-boy-shouting-out-vector-8712145.jpg" height=400 width=400>
(text-style:"rumble")["THATS IT YOUR OUT!" ]
your mother yells
You have to make it past more things though! pick the safest path!
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmN9oVTtmJf7-c5d9njm8W19-yVXMl8YlOAQ&usqp=CAU">
[[hallway but theres a puddle of water->3-6]]
[[hallway but theres 1st graders pasing by->3-7]]
having trouble on what to pick?
[[no->3-5]]Oh No! You fell! But you can make it! RUNN
[[Run to class!!->3-88]]
[[walk to class!!->3-9]]Oh no! You tripped over a kid and the teacher doesnt seem happy...
[[Continue->bad ending]]"YOUR LATE!"
Screams Mrs.alison
oh no your in trouble
[[contiune->bad ending]]YOU JUST MADE IT!
you sit down a go through class but it starts to get borning try to keep your self busy
<img src="https://previews.123rf.com/images/crazystripes/crazystripes1701/crazystripes170100007/70228304-cute-school-boy-writing-at-desk-in-classroom.jpg" height=400 width=400>
[[draw on your paper->4-1]]
[[zone out for a bit->4-2]]"Wow im so happy your taking notes morgen!"
says Mrs. Alison
<img src="https://cdn.w600.comps.canstockphoto.com/cartoon-boy-holding-a-paper-banner-eps-vector_csp83538549.jpg">
Congrates! You've made it past class!
[[contuine->5-1]]"Hey Morgen answer number 5"
mrs. Alison says
Oh no she knows you were zoning out! what do you do?!
<img src="https://cdn.w600.comps.canstockphoto.com/confused-boy-standing-shrugging-his-drawing_csp80163196.jpg"height=400 width=400>
[[play it off and take a guess->4-3]]
[[tell her you zoned out->4-3]]"THATS IT GET OUT!"
Screams Mrs. Alison
Oh no!
[[contuine->bad ending]](text-colour:cyan)+(bg:black)[Task: have lunch]
You head to the lunch room, at the counter they only have the food you hate the most...Mashed potatos!
You know theres know way you want to eat thoses what do you do?
<img src="https://34newmom.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/spinach.jpg">
[[dont eat them and wait lunch out->5-2]]
[[Have the mashed potatos->5-3]]
Having trouble what to pick?
[[No->5-1]]Phew! You all good, Your friend Ally saw you havent ate. She offers you a bag a chips, should you take them?
<img src="https://st.depositphotos.com/1742172/1629/v/950/depositphotos_16296647-stock-illustration-empty-bag-of-potato-chips.jpg"height=400 width=400>
[[No->6-2]]You start to feel sick..That was a bad choice...Try heading to the nurse to get better.
[[nurses office->5-4]]"I feel sick...I think I need to go home" you say to the nurse
"Faking again thats it! your out of here!!" the nurse yells
Oh no! she thinks your faking try getting out of this!
what should you say?
[[Im not I promise!->bad ending]]
[[Wait thats not true it was because of the luch->bad ending]]Theres no teachers watching while you eat...
[[back to question->5-1]]"here you go!" she says
You take the chips and head with her the lockers
[[contuine->6-4]]"oh ok are you sure?" she says
"Yeah im sure" You say
You and ally head outside to your lockers
[[contuine->6-4]]At the lockers you see you childhood bully! what should you do?!
<img src=https://us.123rf.com/450wm/yusufdemirci/yusufdemirci2010/yusufdemirci201000214/157737166-poses-and-expressions-of-a-funny-boy.jpg?ver=6">
[[walk away and hide->6-5]]
[[Walk to your locker and pretend you dont see him->6-6]]Phew seems like he didnt see you! Now its time for you to go to your locker it seems he left....
[[Go to your locker->7-1]]
[[stay and hide for a little longer->7-1]]"I SEE YOU!" HE SHOUTS
oh no!
[[contiune->bad ending]](text-style:"bold","italic","double-underline","smear","sway")[survival of monday]
You did it! Congrats you can finally rest now!
<img src="https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/poses-expressions-funny-boy_29937-6354.jpg" height=400 width=400>
[[back to start->Front page]]YEP! Hes defintely gone!
[[contniue to your locker->7-2]]You head to you locker, and get all your stuff
now its time to head home!
<img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/boy-in-winter-clothes-standing-at-lockers-in-kindergarten-little-boy-vector-id1291183087" height=400 width=400>
[[contiune->7-3]]You made it back home!
(text-colour:cyan)[Task:Have dinner]
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/34/db/0c34db642fc69f03a40e2c6293057173.jpg">
[[contiune->7-4]]"I made you dinner! Its meat loaf!" your mom says
Should you take it
[[Yes, have it for dinner->7-5]]
[[No, ask for something else->7-6]]"Alright! here you go" your mom says hile handing you a plate
"thanks" you say
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8c/5c/5b/8c5c5b92410316ad02c6e5e978ceee9a.jpg" height=400 width=500>
[[Contiune->Good ending]]"Thats it! I thought we could end this day on a good note!" you mom states in disapotment
<img src="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/family-quarrel-domestic-abuse-woman-scream-boy-isolated-sad-toddler-angry-mother-vector-illustration-shouting-to-son-188746193.jpg"height=500 width=400>
Oh No......
[[Try to make it up to her and eat it->7-7]]
[[say you dont like meat loaf and have something different->bad ending]]"Sorry ill eat it!" You say
"No it wasnt good for you at first so clearly it wont be now!" She says back
What do you say?
[["Im sorry!"->bad ending]]
[["Ill have it i promise!"->bad ending]]it seems the first graders are not going to budge...
[[back to page->3-5]]