[[Start->Part 1]]Welcome... you will embark on an quest to save the world, do you accept?
[[Yes->Part 2]] [[No->Alien Attack!!!]]Story
You are a middle aged man named Paul, you work the SEO (the Space Exploration Organization), you love your job and everything about it, looking through high-power telescopes, counting off rockets when they launch, everything you could of ever imagined.
[[Next->Part 3]]One day you notice a strange object on the radar just then a huge ship howers over the building, and then shoots a beam or pink light, you, and you alone start to fly up to the ship. When you reach the top you find yourself in a room full of strange looking creatures. What do you do?
[[Fight->DEATH]] [[Stay Calm->Part 4]]''YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
[[Restart->Alien Attack!!!]]''Good Choise''
You walk over to an alien. What do you do?
[[Tell him everything ->Part 5]]
[[Be kind and calm->Part 5]]
[[Hit him->DEATH]]
[[Make him feel intimidated->DEATH]]Good Choise
"Hello, i'm Xeroagugaol" a alien wearing a crown says, "You have been chosen to save the universe from a clan of evil aliens.
What do you choose?
[[Decline ->DEATH]] [[Accept->Part 6]] Good choise
What do you choose
[[Ask for more info->Part 7]][[Dive right in->DEATH]]<img src="https://physicsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/PortClimb.jpg" alt="Air-breathing rocket engines: the future of space flight – Physics World"/>
[[Next->Part 10]]"Know that your friend is chosen, let the battle beguin" Xeroagugaol says.
[[Next->Part 9]]You arive at the alien planet unharmed but aliens are surrounding the ship
[[Run like a coward->DEATH]] [[Fight like a man->Part 11]]
<audio src="https://twinecrestacademy.neocities.org/SFX/Zombie%20eating.mp3" autoplay>Fight to the death[[Fight to the death->Part 12]] [[Run->DEATH]]"I'm glad you asked" Xeroagugaol replied, "You are the number one worker at the SEO, and we thought you would know how a good way to battle the aliens, also you may bring one friend"
Who do you choose?
[[Bob->Bob]] [[Adam->Adam]] [[Jefferson->Jefferson]]Bob: resourceful, kind, thinks outside the box
[[Pick Bob->Part 8]]
[[Back->Part 7]]Adam: clever, smart, selfless
[[Pick Adam->Part 8]]
[[Back->Part 7]]Jefferson: mean, shifty, selfish
[[Pick Jefferson->A bad choise]]
[[Back->Part 7]]Jefferson stole an alien lazer and...
[[Next->DEATH]]After a long time yo win the battle <img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/nicelooking-attractive-gorgeous-glamorous-elegant-stylish-cheerful-picture-id1165055006?k=20&m=1165055006&s=612x612&w=0&h=OD4-_BceL_R2eaaBzDQrXNIyydwYXOJX-m-0z12z17s=" alt="3,067,951 Party Stock Photos, Pictures &amp; Royalty-Free Images - iStock"/>
[[Next->Part 13]]"Congrats Xeroagugaol" tells you, later that day as the ship flies off you stare off onto the horizon with your friend rembering your extrodnary adventure.